SEC Reporting Issues

Discussions about possible financial reporting problems may evolve into the identification and disclosures of accounting errors and, sometimes, irregularities in the financial statements of publicly traded companies. We understand disclosure needs, the restatement process, and the pressures that registrants encounter in these situations—which is critical to working through each step of the action items required to successfully emerge from the problem and reissue the company’s financial statements. Our team assists companies, management, boards of directors, special committees, and audit committees as they work through these difficult situations.

Accounting Advisory

The application of generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) involves knowledge, experience, and judgment. Similarly, when someone challenges your accounting treatment for an event or transaction, the same skills are needed, plus independence and objectivity. Whether dealing with a financial reporting problem in a previously issued financial statement, preparing for an IPO or other offering, or struggling with a current accounting decision, we bring the necessary skills and expertise to the table to solve those issues.

White Collar Defense

We work side-by-side with defense counsel in all aspects of white collar defense cases, including investigating and organizing the trail of records and accounting transactions, preparing defense themes, and assisting at trial with examination questions and strategy. Our communications regarding financial reporting allegations and issues are prepared in easily understood groupings and terms which can make a major difference when presenting complex accounting matters in the courtroom.