Expert Testimony

When involved in high stakes litigation or disputes, our clients and their counsel turn to us to serve as expert witnesses on accounting, financial reporting, economic damages, and other financial related matters. We have the experience and skill sets required to analyze complex issues and effectively deliver clear and concise expert opinions. Our team of experts has significant experience providing deposition and expert testimony in various federal, state, and local courts, as well as other alternative dispute resolution settings.

Business Disputes / Damages

Lost revenue and profits occur when companies experience a breach of contract, tortious acts, interference with relationships, thefts of business assets, or temporary interruptions in operations. The calculations to quantify these losses involve expertise in damage methodologies and the ability and experience required to prepare credible financial models to answer the “what if” and “but for” questions that are asked in litigation cases. Our team has experience calculating, analyzing, and rebutting business damage claims. Most importantly, because of our experience as expert witnesses, we not only understand the litigation process, but also the analyses and communication skills required for the successful delivery of our opinion.

Intellectual Property

A company’s most valuable assets often include intellectual property such as trademarks, patents, licenses, and trade secrets. We serve as consultants and experts in intellectual property matters; leveraging our experience in financial analysis, valuation, accounting, and financial reporting. Our team assists clients with protecting and managing intellectual property assets by providing services such as expert witness testimony on economic damage and accounting issues, conducting royalty audits, and performing valuations of intellectual property assets.

Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Alternative dispute resolution is increasingly more common as companies look to better control the costs and efforts invested in formal litigation settings. We support our clients’ accounting and financial expertise needs throughout mediation and arbitration processes, in both consulting and expert witness roles. Our team also serves as arbiters, relying on our expertise and objectivity to provide independent determinations. In particular, our experts are recognized as industry leaders in serving as neutral arbiters for parties involved in post-acquisition purchase price disputes.